Friday, March 19, 2010

Death in LIFE......$$$$@@@######&&*^$%

The phonebell rings.....trin trin......and the sad tone from the other end ensures the sudden demise of somebody in family or friends. Some road accident, an illness or most common heart failure might be the cause, which forces you rethink about the uncertainty of life & the vaccum a death can create in lives of other related members.
Two young daughters to be married, a school going son & absolutely dependent life will they manage now?.......are the common whispers people speak about on such a situation.
Is a man's life purpose a responsibility to serve all the needs of hour & beyond. To ensure that he/she does makes others life comfortable even after he/she is gone. Is it not for him/her to enjoy the beauty that it offers in lifetime & cherish it. WILL anyone remember him/her for everything that he/she did for them or whether there be a longing in people's heart that certain other things should have been done before the final end.
And will there ever be an full stop when no desire is unfulfilled & nothing much to reach out for?

How many of us has seen our own parents reaching out to insurance papers , checking their investment plan diary , bank statements & making some other note in their personal diary pensively?.......................I think most of them do that.

Suddenly, the discussions with anyone revolves around that one incident only for weeks to come. Suddenly, there is some extra seriousness in the work that we do & moreover suddenly we try to be extra good to people so that they can help your dear ones in case of any such emergency.

Suddenly, we start realising the importance that each day has. Suddenly, we start praying hard. suddenly, we stop thinking to spend on extravagant items. SUDDENLY, we start evaluating our lives monetarily, we weigh ourselves against paper pieces.

Suddenly, we stop watching saas-bahu ki kahani & switch the channel to NDTV profit. Suddenly, we become dumb to other things in life.

We are not dead, but we fear death , SUDDENLY.

"DEATH is not the greatest loss in our lives, the greatest loss is what dies in us when we are still ALIVE"

I think most of us have become Egyptian mummies, our bodies are preserved but WE ARE DEAD.

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