Friday, January 22, 2010

"The Dawn"

Though the blog has been named "The Dawn", its quite late by clock :)
Its the Dawn of my being a part of this network, of which i always wanted to be.....but now when i am here...cannot think of writing any good :(
where ? where? where is my muse tonight?
There is a sense of panic which surrounds me right if writing something good here has become my foremost duty from now on.
As if i have just delivered a baby, which is my own ;)..........OOPS as if i have just conceived.
See, how carefully i want to choose words apt i want to be many times will i read it again & again before clicking onto PUBLISH POST :)

Well calm down girl.....i say to myself :).........noone is even going to read your stupid stuffs......personal goof ups etc. etc. So you can just write anything & everything that crosses your mind & without even double crossing how it is :(
Excited, super excited, super duper excited as i am at this moment (12:10 am , 23rd jan, 2010) to be presise, i think i should end my 1st write-up here :)
Though not sleepy right now, i think i will just think to come up with something worthy to post next time, which will be soon.

Bye ............................... :))))))


  1. hmmmmmmmm honestly its a master piece urrrrrrrrr a piece of heart poured on paper honest expression of feelings ::)wonder dis stupid can b so deeply involved wid herself .......makin me addicted & a diehard fan of her .....oops ...her writing ....AS IF ITS MY DAWN TO FOLLOW up her for something find something unkown in me...

  2. "to find something unknown in me"........crazy.....m trying to know myself Neeti boy....but thanks for reading all my blogs....n moreover taking time out to comment on them as well.....take care.... :)
