Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Oooooooh Hiiiiiiiii.....Muwahh have you been...haven't seen you since ages.....U looking fab as usaul (courtesy recent Mentos Ad)...........You will comes across this usual chit chat everywhere, everywhere where girls are......and god only knows where they are not....:)

I always wonder (despite being a girl myself) that why even bestest of girls, ladies always need reassurance from others time & again & everytime & after every second hour from every second person they meet & for every single thing they carry & would love if they get it every second minute :)

And God forbid if such pretty faces finds some crazy admirer (better if thats a female, as male following is definite anyways) , then non-ending discussions on shopping complexes, boutiques, fashion stores & all starts but never ends......:)

It would be mean on my part to dig into such female's mind....but its true....they make good friends only with those who can admire their looks, compliment their wardrobe & reassure them that they look alright & that they look better than the other girls around.......:)
Its horrifying to see the low confidence of high class ladies. It scares the hell out of me when i see girls so very concious of their looks & gazes. What a vain it is to look pretty & sound shallow..........
I can ,i think never connect with such girly instincts ever & will always be a freak among those ugly faces -prettily made-up :(
"When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes, when you photograph people in Black & White, you picture their soul.:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

When it rained Hell from Heaven!!!

It was during my last rainy season that i realised the affection of two people in my life. These two people were around since almost 2 years , but never did i realised their worth as much as i now do. Before anyone start guessing , these two special people are my office collegues, who had almost made it their duty to pick & drop me to office, even after the transport facility was withdrawn. Everything was going fine & we three had even started to enjoy (after much cribbing) our 3 hrs daily bike rides to & fro from Pitampura to Gurgaon, when it started to rain. Now what?.....we three asked each other......we could'nt even drove ourselves to office in car, as it rained heavily those days & roads in Gurgaon were pathetic, almost daily we would see several four wheelers water-logged by the road. So? we had to continue with our bike rides. Free soul as i am , was very excited even now, irrespective of other two's apparent doubts (that how would i like to go to work almost drenched / how would i manage heavy rain on wheels etc. etc.). Howsoever doubtful as they were, would not even ready leave me behind & go themselves (as it not a matter of just one day, rain would continue for many more days now). We started our rainy office trips on two wheels & it would rain almost non-stop & more so when we were on road :(
I was enjoying the ride & creative humour of them, though they had tough time wading their way through sharp rain arrows right on their face, but still kept checking that i was fine (as heavy rain had made already damaged tracks more muddy n slippery) & well covered.
One such fine day, 'A' decided to change our normal route which would be better he thought.
But, he just thought that when we proceeded towards it, we saw 2-3 feet deep pool of water through which we had to pass.....on bikes.....dirty muddy way back....imagine :(
I was happy still.......laughing.....all my way....:)......& must have almost irritated them.....but loved it still....that was an must experience adventure people you must have in your lifetime.

All done & written.....what is more important is that while all way i used to have fun, sometimes i used to pray that rain should stop just for the time till i reach work & then again in the evening to stop till i reach home........And on the other hand there were these two golden hearts who i think always prayed that i should reach fine. How selfish it was on my part to pray just for "ME" & how great on their part to pray again just for "ME". It was easy for me to hop to "B's" bike when "A's" had puncture & vice versa and then there were these two who always made sure to run their bikes parallel just to be some help in such odd time.

Today, when i look back at those times, i find them still the same....& Myself?.......
With my whole heart i am proud of you guys & you people deserve the best of life.
Miss the time, discussions, laughter & fights shared by you both the most. Like a little thing you protected me & like the closest buddy i took you for granted.
I will always cherish the affection you bestowed upon me & will never forget the silent lesson you taught. Rainfall will never be the same for me now, I will not be selfish hereafter.
Thankless as i was to you both, today i want to tell all what you mean.
A : Ajay Rai
B : Pratyush Bannerjee

Is there anyone whom you would like to thank today? :)
Lets not delay.....:)

Friday, January 22, 2010

"The Dawn"

Though the blog has been named "The Dawn", its quite late by clock :)
Its the Dawn of my being a part of this network, of which i always wanted to be.....but now when i am here...cannot think of writing any good :(
where ? where? where is my muse tonight?
There is a sense of panic which surrounds me right if writing something good here has become my foremost duty from now on.
As if i have just delivered a baby, which is my own ;)..........OOPS as if i have just conceived.
See, how carefully i want to choose words apt i want to be many times will i read it again & again before clicking onto PUBLISH POST :)

Well calm down girl.....i say to myself :).........noone is even going to read your stupid stuffs......personal goof ups etc. etc. So you can just write anything & everything that crosses your mind & without even double crossing how it is :(
Excited, super excited, super duper excited as i am at this moment (12:10 am , 23rd jan, 2010) to be presise, i think i should end my 1st write-up here :)
Though not sleepy right now, i think i will just think to come up with something worthy to post next time, which will be soon.

Bye ............................... :))))))