Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Holi(Y) Time @@@@

Come March & there is an apparent difference in the world around............Falling leaves...Bare trees.....Change in whether marks the onset of Autumn & Holi time :)
While the empty trees looks like at loss, they are actually revamping themselves for new avataar.
Dry shed leaves piling on the sidelines of the lanes makes the whole atmosphere more holy(I).
Autumn is the time of joy, color, excitement, play.....and of farewell to all the old/dead things around to welcome the grace.
What a lesson it is to the mankind...........will it ever be so easy for me to walk on the dry leaves of life & hope for the bliss that a dead looking tree is capable of.

Best time to look around & see the clear sky.....unrestricted and unbarred by the laiden trees. It signifies the clear vision, the sight one can get only after letting off of some of our preoccupations/vanities.

The divinity of its holiness is yet to come & looking forward for the new little shining outcomes that it will produce. The curves of the little glossy leaves looks miraculous on the brown dry twigs extended upto the sky.

Every Leaf Speaks Bliss To me...Fluttering From The Autumn Tree